Crushed cars among damage from storm that passed through the Valley

HUBBARD, Ohio (WKBN) – Severe thunderstorms in the Valley Monday afternoon uprooted large trees, and slammed across roads and property.

Some Trumbull County residents, including one Hubbard man, are now having to fill out insurance forms.

The National Weather Service sent out an alert for a severe thunderstorm warning around 3 p.m.

“And all of a sudden, the whole house just shook,” Rusty Hutchings said.

The City of Hubbard sent out an emergency alert Monday afternoon that “trees are down all over the city,” and flash flooding was an issue as well.

Hutchings lives on E. Park Avenue in Hubbard. He was home when the storm hit.

“I said, ‘A tree fell.’ Then all of a sudden, I said, ‘Oh my god, honey. It just crushed our car,’” he recalled.

Hutchings will have to deal with the insurance company and get a rental car, but it can be replaced.

“Thank god my wife wasn’t in it,” he said. “Nobody got hurt, that’s the main thing.”

A fallen tree claimed another car in Hubbard, this time a 1989 Camaro.

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