Opinion: Don’t use Springfield for political gain. Help people in need, instead.

Instead of some candidates using Springfield, Ohio for political purposes, the focus should be on helping people in need. We should support everyone in Springfield as the city copes with a surge in Haitian migrants and a strain on resources. We also cannot forget about the massive humanitarian crisis back in Haiti.

Anyone can help Springfield by donating to the Second Harvest Food Bank of Champaign, Clark, and Logan Counties in Ohio. This is the foodbank that assists Springfield and surrounding communities. Second Harvest is seeing increased demand for food assistance in Springfield, including from the Haitian community there.

Foodbanks can help families get through tough times and are a major source of stability. But it is always a challenge for foodbanks to keep supplied, especially when demand quickly increases like in Springfield. Monetary donations are usually best to help foodbanks so they can obtain the most supplies.

Anyone can also write to their elected officials encouraging federal government support for Springfield, in addition to the aid just announced by Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine. Also needed is expansion of the federal food stamp program (SNAP) which would help families in Springfield and bring back pandemic relief programs like the expanded child tax credit.

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