Opinion: Stories of immigrants eating pets are nonsense designed to divide Americans

When my oldest son spends time with Dennis and Isaiah, they don’t ask to see his proof of citizenship.

They recognize his family traditions are a little different, but they always include him even if he doesn’t quite understand what’s going on.

The language barrier is significant, but they make it work because they genuinely care. I can’t definitively say whether my son has eaten any domesticated dogs or cats, but his friends love him more than they fear his cultural influence.

Refusing to reflect the same gracious approach to our myriad differences rejects one of America’s highest ideals.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve watched my Republican brethren contort themselves to justify “noble” political lies drawing the nation’s attention to an immigration situation in Springfield, Ohio.

The Republican nominees for president and vice president have claimed that pets, cats, dogs, and possibly geese, are being eaten by Haitian immigrants.

The claims were accompanied by a viral video of blood-soaked Alexis Ferrell who was arrested and charged in August for allegedly killing and eating a cat just outside of Canton, Ohio, which is about 150 miles from Springfield. Ferrell is neither Haitian nor a migrant. She’s also raising insanity as a defense against the charges brought against her.

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