Vandals break into Atlanta Global Black Pride event space, ransack ballroom, defecate on flag

Atlanta police are investigating after someone ransacked a banquet hall for the Global Black Pride event.

Displays were thrown to the ground and tables were flipped.

This is the first-ever Global Black Pride celebration in the United States, and Atlanta is the host city.

Attendees arrived yesterday for the event, which celebrates Black LGBTQ culture and runs through Labor Day.

They were stunned this morning by the damage in their banquet room.

Video footage shows overturned tables and items scattered across the floor. The vandals also defecated on a pride flag.

Toni-Michelle Williams, a pride event attendee who had an exhibit in the room, expressed her dismay.

“Our table was flipped over. All of our belongings, from brochures to hats to T-shirts, was blown all over the place. It was just a really sad scene,” Williams said.


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