Denver Health Faces Crisis: Struggling Hospitals Grapple with Growing Migrant Population

Colorado’s hospitals, particularly Denver Health Hospital, find themselves in the throes of a challenging situation as they grapple with the strain of providing medical care to an expanding population, largely composed of migrants.

Despite Denver Health’s commitment to treating all emergency room visitors regardless of immigration status, the hospital is facing financial hurdles due to the overwhelming number of patients and their inability to cover medical expenses.

The Migrant Dilemma

A surge in Denver’s population, driven by the arrival of 40,000 migrants, has added immense pressure to the city’s healthcare system. Denver Health, serving a population of 700,000, is at the forefront of this struggle.

While many migrants express gratitude for the medical care they receive – care that may be inaccessible in their home countries – the hospital is grappling with the reality of insufficient funds to cover the medical bills of those unable to pay.

Financial Strain on Hospitals

The sheer volume of patients, coupled with the inability of many migrants to pay for medical services, has left Denver Health with a staggering $10 million in unpaid bills.

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