Former Columbine High School Teacher “Groomed” a 17-Year-Old Student

Jefferson County School District investigators say that former Columbine High School social studies teacher Leann Kearney was “grooming” a 17-year-old female student between 2018 and 2022. CBS reported last week that the district issued an apology to the parents of the student.

The investigation found that school counselors helped the student fill out a federal form to declare her as an “unaccompanied homeless youth” so that she could move in with Kearney. The student was not an unaccompanied homeless youth. This happened after the girl told the school that she felt unsafe at home.

The student’s mother found a note written in 2021 describing a kiss between the student and Kearney. It has not been reported who wrote the note. The mother also found 20,000 text messages and phone calls between the two on the student’s phone. The inappropriate relationship began as early as 2018, when the girl was a sophomore, according to the New York Post…

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