Siouxland Chamber of Commerce visits Iowa legislature

SIOUX CITY, Iowa (KCAU) – The Siouxland Chamber of Commerce made its voice heard at the Capitol on Thursday.

The Chamber traveled to Des Moines for their 47th annual legislative day trip. 25 Iowa business owners and chamber members talked to Gov. Reynolds and the Iowa legislature about tax reform as well as education, child care, and health care.

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A major topic of discussion was economic development and what is available to Sioux City to make it a desirable place to work.

“We talked about some of the tools right now that Sioux City is able to take advantage of,” Siouxland Chamber of Commerce executive vice president Barbara Sloniker said. “Targeted jobs, which is a tax incentive for development on this side of the state, because we are competing with our neighbors that have lower income tax.”

Even with the recent decreases in Iowa taxes, the chamber and legislature still believe that there is more to be done.

“Even though we’ve made such great strides in the past couple of years lowering our tax rates,” Sloniker said, “the governor and the legislature both think we can do more, that the state is strong and that will make us even more competitive.”

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