Evelyn K. Davis Center names new manager

Eric Idehen, a former executive at Wells Fargo and AmeriFirst Financial Corp., has been named manager of the Des Moines Area Community College Evelyn K. Davis Center. Idehen has served as the president and CEO at OPX International LLC, community development director at AmeriFirst Financial Corp. and vice president, community development officer at Wells Fargo, a news release says. The Evelyn K. Davis Center, which opened in 2013, provides educational, job training and career services to unemployed, underemployed and underserved residents of Central Iowa. During his time at AmeriFirst Financial Corp., Idehen led strategic partnerships focusing on affordable housing, financial health and community engagement, according to the release. “At Wells Fargo, I played a pivotal role in fostering economic development and outreach programs,” Idehen said in a prepared statement. “I designed a philanthropic giving program aligned with strategic priorities, achieved ‘outstanding’ ratings in regulatory exams and positioned Wells Fargo as a notable company in diverse communities.” According to the release, Idehen is multilingual and has lived and worked in three countries and three continents. An event celebrating Idehen’s hire, as well as new signage for the center, is scheduled for 2 p.m. Oct. 17 at the DMACC Urban Campus.

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