‘Eastside funk’ detection project expanding in Des Moines

DES MOINES, Iowa — Almost a year ago, the City of Des Moines contracted with a company called Envirosuite and installed odor monitors around three plants on the east side of the city.

Now the city looks to expand the $200,000 project, signing a one-year extension of the contract worth $100,000, adding 10 new monitors around the city. Those that live in the area are very familiar with the smell, coining it as the ‘eastside funk’. It is something people have gotten used to and some residents nowadays hardly notice it.

“When friends come to visit us there is complaints about the smell. But I don’t smell it here, I’ve lived here for a long time,” said Arturo Silva, from Des Moines who has lived in the area for 21 years. “It smells like a sewer, kinda. But I don’t know where it came from.”

Five of the new detectors will be added around the city’s wastewater treatment facility. The other five will be placed around areas where complaints have been frequent.

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