Drivers beware: Speeding cameras in Des Moines now issuing citations

DES MOINES, Iowa — The Des Moines Police Department’s speeding cameras are now issuing citations again at their DOT-approved speeding camera locations.

Here are the locations that can issue citations:

  • 1800 blk Fleur Dr, NB & SB
  • 300 blk E. McKinley Ave, EB & WB
  • 2800 blk Indianola Ave, EB & WB
  • 1700 blk Park Ave, EB & WB
  • 1600 blk E. University Ave, EB & WB
  • 2200 blk E. 29th St, NB & SB
  • 4800 blk Hickman Rd, EB & WB
  • 1000 blk SE 14th St, NB & SB
  • 2900 blk 6th Ave, NB & SB
  • 3100 blk MLK, Jr Pkwy, NB & SB

Sergeant Paul Parizek, a Public Information Officer with the Des Moines Police Department, said that citations have increased in areas where drivers knew the cameras were off.

“We do a great job of awareness and letting people know, hey, this is where they are and this is what they do. This is the threshold. So when we see that in certain spots, citations increase where people knew they were off, that awareness is there. And we’re hoping that when they know now that they’re back on, they’ll slow back down,” Parizek said.

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