Cold weather doesn’t deter runners in Altoona half-marathon

ALTOONA, Iowa — Sunday’s cold weather didn’t stop runners in Altoona.

The annual Time Travel Half-Marathon, which also featured 5k and 10k races, was held Sunday morning. The theme for this year’s event was the Wild West.

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The race, put on by Bodies Race Company, was part of their holiday series, as a way to open up the new year on the right foot. Organizers say they’re pleased with the turn out despite the wind and cold.

“You know, it’s really encouraging. Like I said, I didn’t have high expectations. Just with winter, we tend to in general have smaller numbers and on top of having small numbers, a lot of people chicken out when they see it’s going to be really cold or snowy or whatever the weather is. So to have people come out, I mean, really supports us,” said Amanda Berkstresser, Bodies Race Company Race Director…

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