The Story Behind Tiff Massey’s ‘7 Mile + Livernois’

Large-scale sculptures of hair barrettes, hot combs, picks, and jewelry make up this groundbreaking exhibition at an award-winning Detroit institute. Upon entering a room of Tiff Massey’s new exhibit at the Detroit Institute of Arts, you’re immediately enraptured. “Tiff Massey: 7 Mile + Livernois” by the Detroit-bred artist is an awe-inspiring experience. One artwork is comprised of a wall-to-floor canvas donning Kankelon hair of various shades of green. Massey elaborately braided and twisted the hair into sculptures and adorned them with beads. This work, titled, “I’ve Got Bundles and I Got Flewed Out (Green)” pays homage to her hometown’s hair salons. But it also delves into the monicker synonymous with Detroit, to many it’s known as “the Black hair capital of the world.”

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