LETTERS: I appreciate Detroit police

Why immigrants come to the U.S.

Of course immigrants don’t come to our country because they want to be immigrants. That’s a step they have to take. Most must come because they hope to become Americans. They come to work and to live safer and more peaceful lives. They come to establish safe homes for their families and to raise their children,. They will shop in our stores and make friends with their neighbors and attend our places of worship. They will try to learn our languages and they will live by our laws.

Many of them are trying to escape the most severe violence and threats, and the America that they think of appears to be a refuge.

But today there is no refuge from falsehoods nor conspiracy theories nor from hate nor threats of violence — all fueled by a presidential and a vice presidential candidate.

In no way do these accusations reflect signs of individuals nor of a nation striving toward greatness. You will never be great that way — not even close.

Greg May


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