Durham temporarily closing playgrounds in five parks to test further for lead

Soil testing for lead in five Durham parks was conducted last summer. This site is at East Durham Park, 2500 E. Main St., near an apartment complex. (Photo: Lisa Sorg)

Durham Parks and Recreation is temporarily closing playgrounds today in Northgate, Walltown, East End, East Durham and Lyon Park to conduct further tests for lead contamination, the city announced this morning.

Playgrounds with liners and 12 inches of mulch were not originally tested, because the material is a barrier between bare soil and children playing. However, to ensure no lead has reached the surface, the playgrounds will be closed until the city receives test results and works with community members on a reopening plan.

Outdoor activities of the Walltown summer camp will be affected by these additional findings and new recommendations. Staff are working on a plan to ensure children are safe and have engaging outdoor activity during camp, according to the city, and “parents will be notified and have opportunities to discuss any changes with staff.”

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