NC legislator seeks to better protect homeowners after woman charged with filing false deed on Raleigh dentist’s house

RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) — State Sen. Mary Wills Bode is advocating for changes to the law and processes at register of deeds offices statewide after a woman was accused of filing a fraudulent warranty deed on a home in Wake County .

Homeowner Dr. Craig Adams, a local dentist, contacted Senator Bode after he learned of a fraudulent warranty deed filed on his multimillion-dollar Raleigh home last week. Dawn Mangum is charged with attempting to obtain property by false pretense after she allegedly filed the false deed on the home back in August.

Woman charged with filing fraudulent deed on Raleigh dentist’s multimillion home

Now, Bode says changes should be made to prevent this from happening to other homeowners.

“This is an issue that has taken up a lot of Dr. Adams’s time, it’s taken time from our law enforcement, it’s taken up time from our judiciary,” Senator Bode said. “We could have a barcode code on a notary that the register of deeds and anyone who wanted to verify the legitimacy of a notary seal could scan it and cross-reference it in a North Carolina database to make sure that that notary is active and that notary seal hasn’t been stolen, and fortify that process because that notary seal carries so much weight.”

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