I’m out! Former Republican Party loyalist says why he’s leaving the party

I’m out!

I have made the decision, after 52 years as a Republican, to disassociate myself with the Republican Party. The Republican Party today is not the party of Lincoln, Reagan or McCain. They do not adhere to the fundamental principles of being a Republican, such as limited government, fiscal responsibility, a strong defense (including border security), and the reduction of excessive regulation. They are now simply followers of a corrupt man who cares only about himself and has no interest in the safety and security of the United States. The latest example of this is the issue of security on our southern border.

Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford, who I do consider as a statesman and leader, has been working diligently with a small, nonpartisan group of senators to craft the language for a border security bill. The language of this proposed legislation has not, Lankford said, even been released. But now, on the eve of the release of the text of this legislation, Donald Trump is jumping into the matter, without having access to the text of the bill, to state that it is a bad bill and should not be considered by the Senate, or the House for that matter. The Oklahoman reported that Sen. Lankford has been censured by members of the Oklahoma Republican Party’s State Committee for his actions regarding border security. This is unconscionable and it is the “straw that broke the camel’s back” for me.

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