Edmond superintendent responds to controversy, protests over flag display

Just about a week after a controversy involving the American flag exploded at Edmond North High School, the district’s superintendent addressed the issue in an email to parents, students and staff but didn’t pledge to change the district’s stance regarding the display of flags.

Edmond Superintendent Angela Grunewald said in an email Friday that the district’s top priority was to provide a safe learning environment for students and staff members. “That includes working to limit any potential distractions from the learning that is occurring in thousands of Edmond classrooms all across the district,” she wrote in an email obtained by The Oklahoman.

The controversy over students’ display of U.S. flags was sparked by a viral social media post last week. Caleb Horst, a senior at the school, complained that school officials would not allow him or other students to fly the flag on their vehicles on school property. A short time later, students and some members of the community staged a protest about the issue.

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