Oklahoma County jail officials reevaluate medical provider Turn Key Health Clinics

Oklahoma County officials are reviewing a contract with jail health care provider Turn Key Health Clinics after delaying a vote on a new deal with the company worth more than $7.4 million a year.

The Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority’s contract with Turn Key expired at the end of June, but the company has continued to provide medical care to jail detainees on a month-to-month basis.

The Oklahoma County jail trust tabled a vote on a new contract with Turn Key at its last meeting in August with little discussion.

Jail trust board members are now reviewing the Turn Key contract, which is expected to come up again at the next meeting on Sept. 9, said Mark Opgrande, a spokesperson for the jail.

“Trust leadership believes a thorough review of all contractual relationships is warranted and appropriate when taxpayer funds are involved,” Opgrande said in an email. “Provision of medical care is a requirement and, pending approval by the trust, there is likely to be both short- (and) long-term solutions explored in the months ahead.”

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