When should I start dripping my faucets?

CHARLESTON, WV ( WOWK ) — It’s officially winter, which means there are days when the temperatures will be freezing cold.

There are many ways to get winter ready, but one common practice when the temperature drops is letting your faucets drip through the night. So, exactly how cold does it need to be before you do this?

Southern Living says professionals list the threshold temperature for pipes to freeze at 20 degrees Fahrenheit, meaning this or anything below can create a potential for water to turn to ice in your pipes.

But it’s important to keep the layout of your home in mind, notes Homes and Gardens . You should make sure the faucets you drip are those most vulnerable to freezing. They also say you should ideally be dripping a faucet in each section of your home.

When the temperatures get back above 32 degrees Fahrenheit, Homes and Gardens says you can

Why do pipes freeze?

The reason it’s important to let your faucets drip is because water expands as it freezes. If the water is in a container, even something such as a plastic or metal pipe, as it freezes, the water will create pressure back on that container as it becomes ice. The American Red Cross says no matter how strong your pipes are, that expansion can cause pipes to break.

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