Migrant Stash Houses Busted on Border

The battle against migrant “stash houses” is intensifying along the U.S. Southern Border with Mexico. The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) rewards up to $5,000 for information leading to the anonymous identification of stash houses, pill press operations, and methamphetamine conversion laboratories used in transnational crimes.

This has resulted in information leading to raids against migrant “stash houses” up and down the Texas border with Mexico – resulting in a significant number of raids – more than 130 stash houses in the El Paso Border Patrol Sector alone so far this fiscal year!


Border Patrol & DPS Agents raided stash houses sheltering almost 150 migrants in Ysleta, Texas.Photo byU.S. Border Patrol

So far this fiscal year the Las Cruces Anti-Smuggling Unit of the El Paso Border Patrol Sector has shut down more than 240 “stash houses” along the border with Mexico providing shelter to 2,839 migrants awaiting shelter deeper into the United States by the cartels they have paid to smuggle them into the United States.

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