Embracing Our Veterans: Codie McGraw

In 2007, Meadville native Codie McGraw enlisted in the army.

Immediately after basic training, he found himself in Iraq on daily missions inside an M1 Abrams army tank.

“I was living in a fortified parking garage, no running water and no air conditioning. It was hot it was miserable. I’m just glad I made it back, not a lot of people did,” said Codie McGraw, U.S. Army veteran.

Once home, he started a family. He now has two children. But the war haunted him and he found himself struggling, eventually homeless.

However, he was determined not to stay there.

“I found myself in a pretty tough situation, it put me in a dark place, but like I said I had two kids so I didn’t have time slack. I had to figure something out and make sure I had somewhere for them to be, to make sure they were safe. I busted my butt and did what I had to do to make that not my situation,” said McGraw.

Help for McGraw and his family comes thanks to a unique new partnership between LECOM Radio WMCE, Embracing Our Veterans and JET 24/FOX 66.

Story continues