City streets department reminds public to stay clear for snow removal

Even though the snow is melting, City of Erie officials are reminding residents to stay in the habit of following odd-even parking rules.

With some snow in the forecast this weekend, the city’s streets department is reminding the public of parking regulations.

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With heavy snow earlier this month, many snow plows were unable to get through city streets where odd-even parking rules are in effect.

Jeff Gibbens from the streets department reminded residents how important it is for their crews to get through.

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“You might have one inch on each side of that 10-foot snow plow. You’re either going to try and back up or you’re stuck there until the homeowner comes out and moves their car or you try to make it down the street. Our plows have to get going. If they get stuck in the middle there and then all of a sudden you have an emergency there on that street, everything is backed up. The truck’s there and the plow’s the emergency vehicle can’t get there,” said Gibbens.

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