Second step cleared to bring a new naval ship to Erie

The Halyburton was one of the 51 Oliver Hazard Perry class guided missile frigates built for the U.S. Navy.

The frigate is currently at the Navy’s inactive ship maintenance facility in Philadelphia.

USS Halyburton could be finding a new home port in Erie

According to one of the Halyburton’s commanding officers, the Oliver Hazard Perry Shipyard has provided 200 pages of requested information to the Navy, completing step two of the application process.

He said if the Navy approves the frigate’s move to Erie, it would be a huge asset for the community.

USS Halyburton’s new future plans unveiled by the Oliver Hazard Perry Shipyard Project

“In some ways it’s not a museum ship, it’s a display ship. and the opportunity for anyone, veterans, people interested in the Navy, people just interested in STEM. This would just be a wonderful asset for the city,” said RADM Robert D. Reilly Jr., USN.

If approved, the Oliver Hazard Perry Shipyard would assume financial responsibility for moving and maintaining the Halyburton.

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