Erie County Executive Brenton Davis appeared not to be the only public official showing concern about the Erie County Gaming Revenue Authority.
On Monday, a bipartisan letter was published with signatures of a combination of six different state senators and representatives indicating the support of a third-party audit on ECGRA.
“This to me is just an opportunity to realign with the true intent of the gaming revenue. . . Keeping people’s taxes low, investing in infrastructure, as opposed to ‘feel good’ programs,” said Davis.
Davis claimed there is a lack of transparency about how ECGRA allocates and invests gaming revenue funds, and making sure it’s being done legally.
State lawmakers sign bipartisan letter concerning ECGRA’s funding
State representative Bob Merski, who signed the letter, is a member of the House Gaming Oversight Committee.
“As these questions and allegations have been going back and forth between the county executive and the executive director of the gaming authority, that’s what put it on my radar. I think that cooler heads just need to prevail and I think that the best way to do that is an outside audit,” said Merski. “I’m confident that if there’s any issues, they’ll be minor and that we can fix what needs fixed and move on.”