Change in delivery method at Erie Times News has Old Times Newsies nostalgically reflecting

After last week’s announcement that the Erie Times News would be giving newspaper delivery responsibility to the U.S. Postal Service, diehard newsies were reacting to the move.

JET 24/FOX 66 reporter Matt Mathias spoke to Dan Kalie, president of the Old Times Newsies, an organization consisting of prior delivery boys and other news jobs about their memories delivering the daily paper.

Erie Times News switching to new delivery service

“It taught you a lot of things. It was your first job. Boys and girls had their first experience with the work ethic, the responsibility. You delivered papers every single day except Christmas,” said Kalie. “For me, it taught me perseverance because you delivered in every weather, it didn’t matter. We had high winds, rain, 50 mile-per-hour wind, or the snow storms that Erie’s famous for. So it really did teach you that you have a responsibility, and you’ve gotta do it.”

Kalie said he wished today’s generation of youth had the opportunity to deliver the news like he, his brothers and father did.

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