Don’t break your back – Learn the proper technique for shoveling snow

We probably don’t have to tell you but shoveling snow can lead to serious injuries…

What people don’t realize is this simple activity can be high risk, especially for people with previous health problems.

When several feet of snow come in a matter of days, you can’t really avoid shoveling.

But something you can control are the factors around it, making it better for yourself to prevent sprains or injuries.

City of Erie’s streets finally clear of snow after latest snowfall

UPMC Hamot physical therapist Ryan Brown has seen patients nonstop in his office since after Thanksgiving.

“People that had old back pain problems had a flair up or people with no back pain problems had new ones. It’s people in their 20s young people unburying their parent’s cars and it’s the parents who are unburying their kid’s cars, so it’s anybody,” said Brown.

Before you step outside, Brown said to consider footwear to avoid slips, trips and falls on the ice.

Better boots mean better traction.


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