Erie City Council unanimously passes two-page version of Tenant Bill of Rights

The rights of both landlords and tenants in the City of Erie are now more clear and protected thanks to legislation passed by city council Wednesday morning.

That legislation is being dubbed, a tenant bill of rights. And while there are laws in the books already, this just helps lay out the basic expectations for renting clearly and concisely.

Mel Witherspoon named Erie City Council President in final year

City council unanimously passed what’s being referred to as a tenant bill of rights Wednesday morning.

The Tenant Bill of Rights outlines the basic rights people have as renters and landlords, such as safe and sanitary housing, clear and fair leases, and residential privacy.

“Many of these, the things that went through, are already law. They’re state law and federal law, but what this does now is create a center point for people to go who aren’t trained attorneys,” said Tyler Titus, city council vice president.

Previous versions of renters’ rights consisted of an 80 or so-page document; this one simplified clearly to just two pages.

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