Leaving Westfield Academy Central School ‘bittersweet’ for Cipolla

WESTFIELD — Westfield Academy and Central School District Superintendent Michael Cipolla hopes to leave behind a legacy of collaboration and student-centered decision making as he leaves to assume the position of Randolph Academy superintendent.

Cipolla, who has more than 20 years of experience in education, joined the administration of Westfield Academy and Central School in November 2019. During his time at WACS, he guided the district through the challenges of the COVID pandemic and spearheaded several initiatives, including setting the $23.5 million capital improvement project in motion.

“Promoting a collaborative culture where all voices — students, staff, families and community members — felt valued in shaping our vision . . . I hope I’ve inspired others to be creative and continually examine the needs of our students, now and for years to come,” Cipolla said…

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