What you need to know: UO move-in days and traffic impacts in Eugene

In the coming week, Eugene and Springfield residents should expect to see an uptick in the number of Ducks around town for the University of Oregon’s scheduled move-in and first day of classes.

Some Ducks move in early but the vast majority will move into on-campus dormitories on Thursday and Friday.

In 2023 , of the estimated 5,500 students who moved in, 4,200 did so on the two designated move-in days.

Traffic on UO move-in day

Roads around the university, including Franklin Boulevard, Agate Street, University Street, 11th Avenue, and 13th Avenue, are expected to see increased activity on Thursday and Friday, the two main moving days.

However, for the past two years, traffic has been minimal compared to previously , when vehicles on Franklin Avenue were backed up all the way to the Interstate 5 Glenwood exit.

Thanks to UO’s current move-in strategy, major traffic jams are less likely. This is the university’s third year using a two-day move-in process. Previously, move-in occurred in a single day, causing notorious traffic congestion around campus.

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