Oregon might be known for its craft beer, hipsters, and an alarming number of Bigfoot sightings, but its real test of residency is knowing how to pronounce its trickiest place names. Thanks to a mix of Native American, French, and stubborn Pacific Northwest logic, some of these words sound nothing like they look. If you can say them all effortlessly, congratulations—you might just be a true Oregonian (and yes, there’s a correct way to say that too).
14 Words Only True Oregonians Can Pronounce
Oregon (OR-uh-gun or OR-ee-gun)
If you say “Or-ee-GONE,” just turn around now.
Willamette (Will-AM-it)
Say it wrong, and someone will correct you: “It’s Will-AM-it, damn it!”
Tualatin (Too-ALL-uh-tin)
Not “Twa-lay-tin.” Just don’t.
Yachats (YAH-hots)
If you say “YAK-ats,” you owe the coast an apology.
Puyallup (Pew-AL-up)
It’s actually in Washington, but if you live in Oregon, you still have to say it right.
Clatskanie (CLAT-skuh-nie)
Looks terrifying, sounds easy.
Deschutes (Deh-SHOOTS)
If you can pronounce it, you’ve probably had their beer.
Couch Street (Cooch Street)
If you call it “Couch,” we know you’re not from Portland.
Sequim (Skwim)
Not “See-quim.” The Pacific Northwest loves silent letters.
Glisan (GLEE-sun)
Say it like you’ve been stuck in traffic on it.
Umatilla (You-muh-TILL-uh)
If you can say it, you might be from Eastern Oregon.
Aloha (Uh-LOW-uh)
Not like Hawaii. We do things differently here.
Lebanon (LEB-uh-nin)
Not like the country. This is Oregon, not the Middle East.
Tillamook (TILL-uh-muck)
If you can say it, you probably love their cheese…