Bridgette Butler, co-director, Black Thistle Street Aid: “Most concerning to me is the consistent uptick of trespass citations and sweeps during extreme weather events, like heat waves or the ice storm we just had, and so I’m asking the Commission to reconsider EPD’s role in these actions.”
Presenter: The Eugene Police Commission is asked to help stop homeless sweeps, especially during extreme weather events. With public comment March 13, Bridgette Butler:
Bridgette Butler: I’m Bridgette. I work with Black Thistle Street Aid. I’m the co-director. We’re a medical outreach team in town providing free medical care to folks living on the street. Usually we do roving outreach to encampments or just about anywhere in town.
[00:00:27] I noticed you’ll be talking about behavioral health and mental health crises, which is great and needed. In addressing mental health and behavioral health concerns, first and foremost I want to name that sweeps EPD facilitates with the city of Eugene exacerbate this issue greatly and are inherently traumatic and degrading acts…