After packed RRCO meeting, residents ask county to take over local access roads

Commissioner Pat Farr wants to know why some homebuyers don’t know, upfront, that they must pay for maintenance of their own streets. An April 8 work session will explore actions Lane County can take on local access roads.

Presenter: As more River Road and Santa Clara residents discover that in addition to paying taxes, they must also pay for all maintenance and repair of their own streets, Lane County is asked to take action. During public comment March 18, Linda Lovick:

Linda Lovick: My name is Linda Lovick. I live in River Road neighborhood right here in Eugene. We are very happy in our home and imagine this to be our aging-in-place home.

Within the last couple of months it has come to our attention that the street we live on is known as a county local access road, ‘inclusive of all the public use that goes along with that,’ which sounds benign and neutral enough, but it turns out that designation is a huge problem for those who reside there…

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