Cheetos Bags Filled With 40 Pounds Of Meth Found At Post Office In Indiana, Two Arrested

Two suspicious packages recently sent by mail to Evansville, Ind. ended up containing approximately 40 pounds of meth inside bags of Cheetos . Is this was the first time that people have been caught attempting to smuggle narcotics inside bags of Cheetos? It’s 2025, so, obviously, no.

According to 44 News, two people were arrested in Evansville on Wednesday for packing their meth in bags of Cheetos and shipping it through the mail. 46-year-old Natasha Renee Garner and 36-year-old Goldie Rodney Junior Flenor, both from Los Angeles, were busted when they went to pick up the packages.

The Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office reports that detectives with the Evansville-Vanderburgh County Drug Task Force were notified by the delivery facility about the packages of Cheetos bags addressed to a home on Ridgeway Avenue in Evansville. Upon responding, they determined that the bags contained meth…

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