Future Black History Makers: Meet Seliyah Pretty, a fourth-grader at Lake Rim Elementary

Seliyah Pretty, 9, the daughter of Jamal Pretty and Jessica Pretty, is in fourth grade at Lake Rim Elementary School.

She was nominated as a Future Black History Maker because “Seliyah is a charismatic fourth grader who loves to dance, draw, make jewelry and play volleyball,” writes Kendra McCray ELS, Curriculum & Instruction, who nominated her. “Since she started school in kindergarten, she has not only been impacted by COVID but also being separated from her parents at times, both being active-duty military. However, she thrives academically no matter what challenges she might face. Her charming personality will make for a great Future Black History Maker whether she decides to be an artist, business owner or social media influencer.”

Here’s what else you should know about Seliyah.

All about Seliyah

What’s your favorite subject in school? Social studies.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Nail technician.

Do you have any hobbies? What do you like to do for fun? I like making bracelets, painting and drawing.

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