Residents’ concerns lead to tabling of event center request; will be revisited in July

Tammy Faircloth, deputy Utility and Zoning clerk, provides details ofa proposed zoning request to bring an event center to Roseboro. It was later tabled as concerns from residents grew during the public hearing. Michael B. Hardison | Sampson Independent

ROSEBORO — A proposal to bring a new event center to Roseboro was tabled amid tension and residents’ concerns over what they called the potential negatives it could bring.

The proposed event center was introduced during Tuesday’s Roseboro town board meeting, a proposal introduced by Clinton’s Inkspot Designs owner Heidy Luna. As part of those talks, Luna came before the board to request the rezoning of 406 S. East St. for that purpose.

“This property is the old Denny Plywood site,” Tammy Faircloth, deputy Utility and Zoning clerk, said during the meeting. “Most of the area is fenced in and there are some old metal buildings there and a little house which serves as an office. The owner is Peter Bryant, and along with Mrs. Heidy Luna, they ask this property to be rezoned. It’s currently zoned as industrial and they’re requesting this property be rezoned to thoroughfare business in which they may change it into a venue or event center in the future.”

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