Ribbon cutting to usher in future

Courtsy Photo of Bladen County Board of Education

TAR HEEL – The Tar Heel School grand opening took place last Friday morning with a ribbon cutting to officially celebrate the much anticipated project’s completion. The early morning hours brought a receptive crowd from local residents, to current students and staff, to state congressmen and senators, as well as attended by the Bladen County School officials. There was food and festivities provided to those attended to celebrate the bright future of Tar Heel School.

The innovative project cost an upward of $47 million in state and district funding as Bladen County students will be the first to experience the future of public education. The new building is equipped with solar energy and Tar Heel will be one of the first schools in NC to have access to electric bussing. The parking lot also has electric charging stations that will also be available for public use in the future.

Tar Heel is one of the fastest growing schools in the county and the new building addressed issues the previous building couldn’t; there have been additional classrooms added to both wings of the school and the hallways have been modified to LED lighting in an effort to promote an Eco-friendly environment.

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