Fayetteville students return to more secure schools. What do they hope for this year?

Readers who have followed the saga of my two children on these pages may be surprised to learn that Sam is starting middle school. I am surprised, too.

Helen Ann is headed to fourth grade.

The school year for traditional students began Monday.

Cumberland, Fayetteville schools chief: 8 highlights for a promising school year

One issue on the minds of many parents and school officials is security, as the district rolls out metal detectors in all 84 schools, and a new arrangement goes into effect to provide school resource officers to most schools that will involve several local law enforcement agencies.

But on my own children’s minds? The typical hopes and concerns that will sound familiar to any of us from when we were their age.

Her thoughts on going back to school

I asked H.A. and Sam what they were looking forward to when they go back to school, and what things they may be concerned or anxious about.

Helen Ann said she was looking forward to meeting her homeroom teacher and her second teacher, whose class she will attend for a couple of hours each day.

Story continues