Do Fayetteville residents use a lot of profanity? Survey suggests they do.

A survey published in July shows Fayetteville uses more profanity than any other city in North Carolina — at least on one social media platform.

The Word.Tips survey used a sample of 1.7 million English-language, geotagged posts on X to find the percentage of swear words in countries around the world and cities and states around the United States.

Word.Tips is a website that assists with the learning and discovery of vocabulary and grammar.

“Since language is an organic beast, the ruder end of this lexicon has evolved as internet users have given sometimes centuries-old cusses new meanings and associations,” the survey states. “Swearing has become fun again, and this time, everyone’s invited.”

More: Fayetteville: The most stressed city in North Carolina?

The survey shows the United States uses more profanity than any other English-speaking country in the world, with 41.6 posts out of 1,000 containing a swear word. The United Kingdom is in second place with 28.6 posts out of 1,000 containing profanities, according to the survey.

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