Unexpected Help Comes To Fort Liberty: General Contractors Save The Day

Residents at Fort Liberty military base experienced a unique issue in the earlier months of 2024. Trash pileup had become a problem and there was a need for a suitable solution. In a remarkable display of community service and efficiency, Southeastern General Contractors (SEGC) has emerged as the hero in resolving the significant concern at Fort Liberty. This endeavor not only showcases SEGC’s expertise as problem-solvers but also highlights their commitment to aiding their local military community.

The issue began escalating at Fort Liberty when the incumbent contractor tasked with trash and refuse collection was unable to handle all of Fort Liberty’s garbage. Ralphael Locklear, spokesperson for SEGC, explained that despite the contract originally seeming manageable, it became apparent over time that the contractor lacked the necessary equipment to handle the workload effectively. This resulted in mounting piles of trash across the base, drawing national attention and becoming a health hazard.

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