Army veterans in Fayetteville reflect on 9/11 terror attack amid division after presidential debate

More than two decades after the terror attack on September 11, 2001, veterans at the largest VFW Post in the state reflected with ABC11 on the tragedy and how our country has changed since.

We spoke with Army veterans Thomas Person and Perry Saunders Jr. at VFW Post 6018.

“I remember when everything happened, I deployed right after that to the Middle East,” Person said.

Meanwhile, Saunders Jr. got word that the towers were struck while serving in Germany.

“It really impacted Europe really fast. Once it happened in the States, everything was getting locked down because we didn’t know if anything was going to trickle down around the world,” he recalled.

As America initially faced fear, confusion, and shock, the military mobilized soon after. Both veterans remember Americans finding common ground and rallying behind the troops.

“It just seemed like we had a lot of togetherness. But, you know, now when you look back, you know, hopefully, what I did… was not a waste,” Person said.

While the day remains heavy for both veterans, they’re worried the weight behind it is fading for many Americans.

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