Leland man charged in 2007 Fayetteville cold case rape

Results from DNA testing on items collected more than a decade ago have led to the arrest of a Leland man in a 2007 Fayetteville rape.

Nicholas Antonio Raye, 39, is charged with two counts of second-degree rape and one count each of second-degree sexual offenses, first-degree kidnapping and breaking and entering in the January 2007 sexual assault at off-campus housing at Fayetteville State University.

The case was considered cold for many years until police received notice that DNA recovered from the victim’s clothing matched Raye’s profile.

More: Sanford man accused of assaulting 9-year-old girl in Fayetteville on Saturday

His DNA was on file after he was convicted in August 2023 in Brunswick County on charges of second-degree forcible rape, second-degree forcible sexual offense and indecent liberties with a child for incidents committed in 2018 and 2022, according to records with the N.C. Department of Adult Correction. He is currently serving a prison sentence of four years, 10 months, to 10 years,10 months for the Brunswick County cases.

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