Horace Wyatt – a servant’s heart in Dublin

Mayor Horace Wyatt does the accounting for the Dublin Peanut Festival which is an annual event taking place every third Saturday in September. Wyatt is North Carolina born and raised and has that small-town charm in his demeanor.

DUBLIN – Horace Wyatt has been the Mayor of Dublin on and off for the better part of three decades and his passion for his town has only grown stronger.

Born in Columbus County about 8 miles south of Bladenboro, Wyatt or “The Wyatt Earp of Dublin” as some call him has harvested a lot of wisdom in his 77 years on this earth and the town of Dublin is blessed to be recipients from all of his life experiences.

He was born into a North Carolina tobacco farm family and earned his work ethic while learning from his parents. In addition to the arduous task of raising tobacco, the family also raised pigs, had a horse, a mule and a cow according to Wyatt.

“We were out there at five and 6 years old and as my dad would plow and cover the tobacco, we would follow behind him and uncover the leaves so the tobacco would grow better,” he said. “I started driving a tractor at 6 years old. We also raised corn and soybeans and cucumbers.”

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