Opinion: A parking deck in time: county unlocks millions for downtown Fayetteville project

I have this theory that if a city or county is building a parking deck that many residents think is much too soon, then the timing is about right.

Sounds counterintuitive. But a parking garage — similar to road infrastructure — should ideally be built before the need arrives and when the future need is pretty darn certain. When everyone recognizes the need for a deck, there is already a problem.

OPINION Pitts: Parking decks dull but a good sign. Cumberland County’s next steps.

Cumberland leaders take next step with downtown Fayetteville parking deck

Cumberland County commissioners are moving apace on a parking deck to be located on part of an existing lot behind the Cumberland County Courthouse in downtown Fayetteville. The price tag will be a doozy, and as I’ve said before , that always seems to be the way with these utilitarian beasts of the urban landscape. The commissioners approved just under $2 million for phase 1 of the design-build of the deck at their last regular meeting held earlier this month.

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