‘Putting lipstick on a pig:’ Fayetteville Council says no to term limit, election changes

A renewed push to explore changing Fayetteville City Council term limits along with other election reform failed to get enough support during a council work session Monday.

Council members supporting the changes were Mario Benavente, Lynne Greene and Deno Hondros, while Mayor Mitch Colvin, Mayor Pro Tem Kathy Jensen and council members Malik Davis, D.J. Haire, Derrick Thompson, Brenda McNair and Courtney Banks-McLaughlin did not support a proposal that was discussed Monday night.

Discussions about term limits are not new but failed to receive enough support in 2008 and in 2018 when the majority of Fayetteville voters opposed proposed term limit changes.

Fayetteville City Council members currently serve concurrent two-year terms following a citywide election held in odd-numbered years. The council includes nine members from single districts, and the mayor, who is a voting member and elected at-large.

Term limits

During Monday night’s work session meeting, Benavente said “term limits ensure a healthy rotation of leadership, prevents stagnation and encourages new voices to participate in shaping our city’s future.”

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