Franklin County Feb 13 Weekly Crime Report: 434 Incidents and 65 Crime Stories

Franklin County Feb 13 Weekly Crime Report: 434 Incidents and 65 Crime Stories

During the last week, Franklin County reported a total of 434 crime cases. The most prevalent crime was Theft, with 162 cases, making up approximately 37% of the total crimes reported. This was followed by Assault and Other crimes, with 62 and 56 cases respectively. Vandalism, Burglary, Suspicious Situation, and Disturbance also featured in the crime report, with 36, 30, 26, and 25 cases respectively. Trespassing was reported 19 times, while Domestic Related incidents were relatively low at 11. The least reported crimes were Shooting and Robbery, with 5 and 2 cases respectively. These statistics provide a comprehensive overview of the crime situation in the place, highlighting the urgent need for strategic interventions to curb the rising crime rates, especially theft, which appears to be the most common crime.

Incidents Last Week
Theft 162
Assault 62
Other 56
Vandalism 36
Burglary 30
Suspicious Situation 26
Disturbance 25
Trespass 19
Domestic Related 11
Shooting 5

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