Bradenton Area River Regatta expected to bring in millions to local businesses

The ninth annual Bradenton Area River Regatta is expected to bring $10 million in revenue to Manatee County’s urban core.

Residents and guests will pour into downtown Bradenton and Palmetto — which will be linked on Saturday with the closing of the Green Bridge to create one large event with unique views.

“We want to provide the residents with free entertainment, unique entertainment, but really the objective was to create a signature event to lure people into the urban core that have never been here before,” Bradenton Area Convention & Visitors Bureau Executive Director Elliott Falcione said.

Almost 3.8 million people visited Manatee County in 2023, generating more than $30 million in tourism tax dollars.

“It’s a signature event because it brings in the most people in one day in a year’s time,” Falcione explained.

An estimated 100,000 people are expected to attend the event, which promises to deliver races, rain or shine.
“We’re going to be sold out again this year,” said Robyn Price, director of sales for the group that manages the Courtyard Marriot on the Bradenton Riverwalk.

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