Canby Historical Society: Facing changes, challenges and opportunities

Carol Palmer, who has a long-time interest in everything historic in Canby, dropped by the Canby City Council meeting on Feb. 10 to provide an update on what’s happening, and has happened with the Canby Historical Society and the Canby Depot Museum.

Palmer told the council that the last seven years had been a difficult period for the society as the Depot Museum had struggled under a number needed repairs at a cost of just over $57,000.

“It has been a little difficult with the 130-year-old building, which of course was updated 40 years ago,” Palmer said. “But still, 40 years after that original update when it was moved to the location it’s at now, things started to fall apart.

“And so, we were, over a short period of time, stuck with a lot of very expensive repairs that come with an old building,” she added. “Concurrently, the pandemic hit, and we were not able to hold two of our flea markets and three of our pancake breakfasts. We lost some revenue we usually count on every year.”

In her visual presentation, Palmer laid out the repair costs to keep the building going over the last seven years ($57,148) coupled with the loss of about $11,000 in revenue from not holding the flea markets and pancake breakfasts.

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