Satire: Ancient Mystery Solved: Georgia Scuba Divers Stumble Upon the Long-Lost Ark of the Covenant

Disclaimer: This article is a work of satire and is not meant to be taken as factual news.

In a stunning, albeit fictitious, turn of events, a group of intrepid scuba divers off the coast of Georgia reportedly stumbled upon the long-sought-after Ark of the Covenant. The discovery, which is said to have occurred near the mysterious Bermuda Triangle’s cousin, the “Georgia Rectangle,” has sent shockwaves through the archaeological community and local fisherman alike.

The Ark, an artifact of Biblical lore, was purportedly found in an ancient shipwreck, guarded by a team of highly intelligent mermaids who have apparently been fans of human history. “We just wanted to keep it safe and maybe find a nice museum for it,” one mermaid allegedly said, using her newly-learned English.

This satirical discovery has baffled experts and laypeople. Dr. Sandy Shore, a fictional professor of maritime archaeology at the University of Atlanta, expressed excitement and skepticism. “It’s an incredible find, completely implausible, but that’s what makes it such a good story,” Dr. Shore commented, while adjusting her Indiana Jones-style fedora.

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