Construction company responds to Nampa concrete plant objections

NAMPA — On Tuesday evening the Warhawk Air Museum hosted a town hall on a proposed concrete plant that has caused a stir from community members who are worried about the plant’s potential impacts on traffic, health and safety.

Around 100 community members attended Tuesday night’s meeting, as well as several Sunroc administrators and local employees, who addressed some comments after residents had the opportunity to speak.

Construction company Sunroc has proposed a four-silo concrete plant to be built off of Victory Road, near the Happy Valley Road roundabout. Sunroc has several locations in Idaho and is based in Utah.

While the project was set to be discussed at a previous Planning and Zoning meeting, with a large showing from the community, Sunroc requested to delay the commission’s vote without explanation. Sunroc later stated that the company needed more time to work with the city.

Attendees listened intently as residents took to the mic, voicing health and safety concerns.

One resident said her husband only had 50% functionality of his lungs. Another neighbor has a young daughter who had a tracheotomy. A common concern residents have voiced is the dust particles the concrete plant would produce and how it would affect air quality.

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