Letters on ‘Patriotism Not Pride’ bill, Sen. Lankford, tag proposal, commutation

On ‘Patriotism Not Pride’ bill

State Rep. Kevin West’s “Patriotism Not Pride” bill to prohibit displaying LGBTQ+ pride flags in state offices and schools calls to mind the racist attitudes behind slavery, lynchings and the murderous treatment of Native Americans.

More than 25 years ago, sexual orientation and gender identity were declared completely normal by the American Medical Association, Psychological Association, and Psychiatric Association — as no more sickness or sin than being left-handed.

When the U.S. military’s exclusionary policies were ended, gays, lesbians, bisexuals and trans men and women were finally able to serve our country, openly and proudly. And they do.

As Oral Roberts and Anita Bryant have learned, “Gays and lesbians are in your family, too.”

— Nathaniel Batchelder, The Peace House director, Oklahoma City


Sen. Lankford bill should have focused solely on immigration

Although I respect the perspective of Carl McCollough and understand it in his recent writing in The Oklahoman, I disagree with one primary thing in the bill Sen. James Lankford worked so hard on. Too many times our crafty legislators tie things into bills that don’t need to be there.

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